Refining systems theory of change and connecting it to a compelling story of impact.
Assessing organizational strengths and capabilities and areas for improvement.
Building effective boards of directors.
Developing leadership for effective managing of teams and stakeholders.
Identifying effective practices for operational excellence to execute against organizational strategy (fundraising, finance, HR, and communications).
Strengthening public health interventions for effectiveness, modeling and scale (MNCH, SRHR, Food Insecurity, community health assessment etc.).
GHA’s Comprehensive CoCreation Capacity Building Program
offers a synergistic support model to innovative civil society organizations and local public health agencies particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), creating value across several dimensions all within a global health equity lens. This includes a peer learning community in each cohort, one-to-one adaptive leadership coaching, consultations with external content experts, GHA’s tested capacity-building framework and tools, as well as small grant funding support over one to three years.